April 14, 2021
International History and Culture 6-session course March 3-April 14 Please select either the full 6-session course or individual sessions.
Dickinson Price: $50 each class or $200 for entire course. Friends & Family Price: $60 each class or $250 for entire course.
São Paulo, Brazil
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 3–4 p.m. EDT
Brazil: Mixture of Cultures Brazil is the largest nation of Latin America and that with the largest Afro-descendent and indigenous populations in the continent. A country of contrasts and cultural diversity, Brazil’s cultural influences range from African to Japanese cultures, and its regions have distinct cultural traditions. We’ll take a quick look into Brazil’s past to see the tragic history that unfolded here, including slavery, poverty and the exploitation that lasted for almost 400 years. And then, we’ll focus on the different ways in which Brazil’s current racial mixture can help us understand this huge country. Registration deadline: April 13