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CGSE Virtual Study Abroad Fair

October 26, 2020

The Center for Global Study and Engagement invites you to attend our annual Study Abroad Fair!

This year's Study Abroad Fair will be held virtually from Monday, October 26 -- Friday, October 30. We hope you will consider joining us. 

The Study Abroad Fair is a great place to explore all of the CGSE’s study abroad program opportunities available to you as a Dickinsonian. During the virtual fair, you will be able to explore the following:  

  • Dickinson Programs- semester, academic year, summer 2021 study abroad programs- Speak with our on-site staff at our various program sites, Dickinson faculty who serve as On Campus Coordinators, and Global Ambassadors who previously studied abroad
  • Partner Programs- semester and academic year study abroad programs- Speak with partner program representatives, Dickinson faculty who serve as On Campus Coordinators, and Global Ambassadors who previously studied abroad
  • Speak with a representative from Financial Aid to discuss any questions you may have about financial aid as it relates to study abroad 
  • Talk with the CGSE about scholarship opportunities and attend a budget workshop for study abroad 
  • Talk with a study abroad advisor from the CGSE  
  • Sign up to receive more information about particular programs of interest to you 

Throughout the Virtual Study Abroad Fair Week, many programs will be hosting live sessions, where you can attend a Zoom call to learn more about the program and speak with program representatives. Below, please find a link to the Virtual Study Abroad Fair website, where you can view a list of all live sessions occurring during the week of the fair:


When there are not live sessions occurring, you will be able to explore the Study Abroad Fair Virtual Room via Prezi, where you can visit program tables to learn more about each program. 


The link to the virtual fair space will be made available on the Virtual Study Abroad Fair website (see above link) the morning of Monday, October 26. 


Further information

  • Location: Online
  • Cost: Free