Side by Side with Peacekeepers

There are many rewarding aspects of Aboody Rumman '20's internship at the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, like building his skill set and working to impact people for the better.

educational studies

Aboody Rumman '20, U.S. Army War College


International studies, economics minor.

Internship title:

Program associate intern.

How I got this internship:

I got this internship by responding to a Career Center posting.

What I do, day to day:

My major task is to prepare a recommendations report in which I analyze the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute's (PKSOI) documents that address measuring progress in peace and stability operations, along with giving recommendations on how to make them better. I also wrote two articles for the Quarterly Peace and Stability Journal.

Other internships:

I will intern again hopefully next summer.

Most valuable part of this experience:

The professional experience and knowing that I have some skills that are professionally applicable to many fields was very rewarding.

Advice for students considering internships:

An internship is something that you can only gain from. You gain professional experience, which eases future job searches, but more importantly as a liberal arts student, you get the chance to question a lot of things, which streamlines your future focus.

How this internship has helped me:

For life after Dickinson, this internship has provided me with professional experience and has familiarized me with the professional setting. This will definitely be a bonus when I'm applying for jobs in the future. This internship has made me cherish everything that goes on in the academic year and I'm just very excited to start my sophomore year.

Post-Dickinson plans:

I hope to be a part of the international development "industry" as it's called. There is no greater reward than seeing your work changing someone's life.


Published October 18, 2017