Ph.D. or Bust


Maddie Wheeler ’17, National Cancer Institute (Frederick)


Biochemistry & molecular biology and  biology.

Internship title:

Lab special volunteer.

How I got this internship:

Through [Assistant] Professor [of Chemistry] Rebecca Connor. I am continuing the work she started while on sabbatical.

What I do, day to day:

Organize and perform experiments, record notes in a lab notebook and collect and analyze data.

Most valuable part of this experience:

The connections I am making and the exposure I am getting to what my work environment may be like as a Ph.D. Being in such close quarters with so many people that have gone through what I am planning to do has been paramount to my decision to apply to Ph.D. programs in the coming year. The experiences and advice they have shared have made this internship not only educational but also very enjoyable.

Advice for students considering internships:

If you have the opportunity, do it! Show the rest of the world how amazing Dickinsonians are! Dickinson supplies us with the tools for life, but it is the experiences you are exposed to in an internship that will help you to find your path in life. And although [internships can be] intimidating, they are incredibly exciting.

How this internship has helped me:

My plan is to continue this research at Dickinson. My exposure to seminars not only at Dickinson but also at the National Cancer Institute has allowed me to better prepare for when I will present my [honors] defense this coming spring. The people in my lab have been incredibly welcoming and helpful. With their guidance, I have been able to apply the information I learned in the classroom to a project that I hope to be continuing during my last year at Dickinson.

Post-Dickinson plans:

I intend to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation.

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Published August 1, 2016