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2015 Donor Stories

Darrell Pacheco '12

Darrell Pacheco '12

“ I believe in the mission of the college and our brand of liberal-arts education, and I try my best to give back to Dickinson in any way that I can.” —Darrell Pacheco ’12

Came to Dickinson from Northampton Community College through the Community College Partnership Program. Majored in political science, and gained intellectual curiosity, interdisciplinary approach to problem solving and a passion for connecting with others from his time at Dickinson. Walked down the old stone steps as the first college graduate in his family. Landed a job as an investment advisor at Vanguard Financial Group. Served as a young alumni trustee following graduation, now serves on the Alumni Council and volunteers with the Career Center. Enjoys staying connected with and supporting the college because, “The Dickinson community has allowed me to become a part of something much bigger than myself.”