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Retirement Election Enrollment


We encourage you to review the investment options available with TIAA and Fidelity Investments and to complete the enrollment process.  You may invest with one or both of these vendorsEnrollment should be completed within 31 days of requesting contributions be made

The enrollment process requires the following steps:

1.    Review your options with both TIAA and Fidelity Investments

2.    Select a retirement vendor(s)

3.    Enroll on-line to establish your account, choose your allocations and select your beneficiaries. Please have your Social Security Number and beneficiary Social Security Number, birth date and address readily available.


  • Select to enroll 'Online' or 'By Mail'. 
  • To enroll in your own personal retirement contribution, select the 'Tax Deferred Annuity Plan', Plan ID Number is 101061.


  • Plan ID Number is 56444


Please Note:  Due to IRS compliance regulations, if you fail to complete the enrollment process, the allocation you designated on your Flexcomp and Retirement Election form will be defaulted into the age appropriate Life Cycle Retirement Fund with TIAA and/or the Fidelity Freedom Fund with the target retirement date closest to the year you might retire, based on your current age and assuming a retirement age of 65.  You may reallocate your contributions at any time by contacting TIAA and/or Fidelity.