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Non-Travel Awards 2002-2003

Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2002-2003

Photograph of a studentDana Research Assistantships – Academic Year 2002-03

Stephanie Anderson/John Butler (fall)/Aimee Eremita (spring) – “The European Union: Manufacturing an Identity."

Sharon Hirsh, Orelia Dann (fall)/Nora Mueller (spring) – Assistance in preparing several manuscripts.

Edward McPhail/Jean-Yves Rwakazwa (fall)/Patrick Connelly (spring) – “Eugenics and Other Evils: G. K. Chesterton’s Argument against the Scientifically Organized State Part II.”

Susan Rose/Jasmin Sanchez (fall)/Katherine Wood (spring)– Coordinate fieldwork resources for the American and International Mosaics and construct a Courseinfo/Blackboard and Web site.

Todd Wronski/Tiffany Grexa – Production Manager for Dept. of Theatre and Dance.

Wendy Moffat/Sara Hoover – Continuation of “Great Unrecorded History: A Gay Social Biography of E. M. Forster.”

Greg Smith – Spring only/Michelle Knowles – Conduct a meta-analytic review of the literature on homesickness.

Dana Research Assistantships – Summer 2003

William Bellinger/Timothy Bender - “(1) Revised Ten-Year Plan for the Hope Station Neighborhood of Carlisle, and (2) Economic Impact and Demand Report for the Carlisle Theatre”

Marcelo Borges/Anthony Pastore - Portuguese Immigrant Letters

Sherri Kimmel/Todd Derkacz – editorial assistant, Dickinson Magazine

Edward McPhail/Patrick Connolly – Eugenics and Other Evils: G. K. Chesterton’s Argument against the Scientifically Organized State Part III

Sharon O’Brien/Rebecca Thurber - edit a Norton Critical Edition of Willa Cather’s O Pioneers!

Cotten Seiler/Jillian Smith – Republic of Drivers: Automobility and the Formation of the American Self

Dissertation expenses

Abraham Quintanar – “From the Occitan Pastorela to the Castilian Serranilla: Dramatic Emotion Underlying a Medieval Thematic Genre.” This dissertation re-examines pastorelas and serranillas from the 12th century to the 15th century in Old Occitan, Catalan, Galician-Portuguese, and Castilian, seeking to find a literary tradition common to them.

Oscar Robles
–Defense of his dissertation, “In the name of the mother. Re-configurations of the feminine subjectivity, the Mexican family and the national identity in the cinema of Maria Novaro.”

Jessica Wahman – “Signs of Transcendence: A Naturalist Critique of Transcendentalism.” This dissertation utilizes George Santayana’s natural philosophy to show how a reality fundamentally different from yet productive of conscious awareness preserves the best aspects of skepticism toward our knowledge of the material world while offering the possibility for affirmative and effective approaches to the problems of everyday life.

Nestor Rodriguez - "Configuraciones y desfiguraciones de lo nacional en la literatura dominicana." This dissertation examines how contemporary literature and intellectual production in the Dominican Republic both inside the island and in the diaspora articulate an alternative heterogeneous cultural and political identity.

Professional Development

Carol Ann Johnston – Attended the Eudora Welty conference in Rennes, France.

John Luetzelschwab - Attended the meeting of the American Board of Health Physics Part I Panel for the Health Physics Certification Exam in McClean, VA.

Professional Development – Winter/Spring 2003
Rachelle Ankney - Attended two minicourses and a short course at the Joint Mathematics Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Alison Marie Gardiner - Attended the Salisbury University Sports Medicine Symposium, Salisbury, MD.

Abraham Quintanar - Attended the Workshop on Transcription of Medieval Manuscripts held at the Bancroft Library at the University of California-Berkeley.

Lauren Imgrund - Attended an Applied Fluvial Geomorphology Short Course in Charlottesville, VA

Professional Development - Summer 2003
Kirsten Guss - Attended a workshop, Bioinformatics: Introduction to Programming, in Vancouver, BC, which will offer training in the basics of computer programming.

Lynn Helding - Attended the University of Iowa’s summer Vocology Institute (SVI) at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts in Denver, Colorado.

Robert Pound - Pursued conducting studies in the Tanglewood Music Center Fellowship Program, in Lenox, MA.

Publication expenses

Sharon Hirsh - publication costs for photographs and permission fees for works of art illustrated in three recent publications.

Wolfgang Muller – costs for the text and color illustration of the cover of the book he is co-editing, entitled, Zur deutschsprachigen Literatur der neunziger Jahre – Rückblicke, Überblicke und Ausblicke.

Steve Weinberger – translation costs for his article, “Countergifts in Eleventh Century Provence and Poitou: The Cost of Doing Business,” which will appear in the journal Provence Historique.

Minglang Zhou - cost of hiring an English editor to read and polish his book manuscript, Multilingualism in China: The Politics of Writing Reforms for Minority Languages Between 1949 and 2002.

Reassigned Time – Spring 2003

Stephanie Anderson - to work on Fashioning the ‘other’: Immigration and Identity in the European Union and Testing the ‘liberal’ aspect of Liberal Intergovernmentalism: Linking Changes in Political Party with the Development of a European Security and Defense Policy.

Noel Luna - to work on a book manuscript, Silable that Whistles: Poetics and Politics of Listening in Puerto Rico.

Susan Rose - to work on a book manuscript, Going Too Far? Sex, Sin and Social Policy.

Melinda Schlitt - to work on completing two articles already accepted for publication.

Adrienne Su - to work on completion of a book of poems.

Reassigned Time, Fall 2003

Dengjian Jin – to work on a book project, The Great Knowledge Transcendence: Civilizational Synergy and the Wealth of Nations.

Abraham Quintanar - to complete a book manuscript that is expected to be published by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies in New York. The manuscript, to be published on CD-ROM, includes a semi-paleographic transcription of the Vidal Mayor, a mid-thirteenth-century Navaro-Aragonese translation of the In Excelisi Dei Thesaurus, and to date the only extant version in any language of the Latin text.

Sabbatical Expenses - Pre-tenure – 2003-04

David Jackson –“Constructing an experimental and computational research laboratory to study pattern formation in magnetic fluids.”

Minglang Zhou –.will be traveling to China to conduct research for his book, “Minority/Second Language Education in China: A Half-Century of Struggle between Accommodationism and Integrationism.”

Ted Emery
– will be traveling to the McGraw-Page Library of Randolph-Macon College in Ashland Virginia for “Casanova Research.”

Elena Duzs – “Mikhail Kuzmin’s Interpretation of Artistic Conventions as a Core of His Aesthetics.”

Sabbatical Supplement – 2003-04 - awarded by FPC

Ann Hill – full year – research – The project calls for interviews with Chinese ethnologists, archival research, fieldwork and time for transcription and writing. The project proposed here critically examines portrayals of the religion of the Yi, a minority of 7 million people in China, in the context of Chinese ethnology, a globally powerful scholarly tradition for framing the terms of analysis and understanding of the Yi people.

Melinda Schlitt – full-year – research – To produce an annotated facsimile edition with a substantial contextual essay of an unpublished but highly significant sixteenth-century Florentine manuscript (105pp). This manuscript (currently in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana) is a Renaissance “notebook” containing drawings, mathematical calculations, and detailed verbal descriptions for astronomical, mechanical, hydraulic, and elaborate time-keeping inventions similar in their genre and format to many of the well-known “notebooks” of Leonardo da Vinci. The authors of this manuscript, members of the Florentine “della Volpaia” family, were central figures within the artistic and intellectual communities of Florence and Rome during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and their work epitomizes the integration between art and science as disciplines during this time. Her annotations will also include a transcription of all calculations and descriptions, and linear technical drawings of some of the notebook’s sketches as visually necessary.

Sabbatical expenses – 2003-04

Ward Davenny – will travel to Oklahoma to continue work in the visual representation of turbulent weather.

Stephanie Larson - researching and writing a book-length manuscript on how the public and public opinion is represented in the mass media during presidential elections. This book will build on her previous work on national evening news coverage of the 1996 and 2000 presidential general elections. Here, she will address more theoretical questions about representations of the public and their implications.

Carol Loeffler – will continue long-term studies of the population ecology and/or taxonomic identity of several rare plant species: glade spurge, rough-leaved aster, showy goldenrod, slender goldenrod, and shooting star, and to prepare manuscripts on the aster and on a ten-year study of deer impact on local vegetation.

Melinda Schlitt – will travel to Italy in order to conduct the appropriate research in archives and make necessary arrangements for producing a facsimile of a manuscript for publication.

Sabbatical expenses –Spring 2003

Dan Cozort – expenses associated with preparations for a proposed book, The Making of the Western Lama, which will explore other organizations and teaching lineages in Tibetan and other traditions.

Sabbatical expenses – Fall 2003

Julie Ramsey-Emrhein – will work with the Certified Athletic Trainers and the medical staff of the Washington Redskins, where she will assist them in the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries that occur to their athletes.

Scholarly/Creative Projects – Fall 2002

Robert Pound - Transcription of his hand-written music manuscripts into music-printing computer program format professional music copyist.

Wendy Moffat – to catalogue and edit a collection of unpublished letters from E M. Forster, Christopher Isherwood, Glenway Wescott, and Thornton Wilder, and to publish an article of annotated edition of the most significant letters by the end of the academic year.

Andrew Rudalevige – will travel to Washington, DC, to conduct research for two projects relating to the role of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in presidential management of the wider executive branch.

Scholarly/Creative Winter/Spring Projects 2003

Catherine Beaudry – “Le Petit Canada: 1830 to 1930: A Century of French Canadian Immigration to Lewiston, Maine and the Preservation of a Linguistic Heritage Over Five Generations,” a project that will bring the French Immigrants who came to Lewiston into view. Travel to interview Martha Rivard, a nonegenarian who came to the US in 1911, and is willing to be interviewed about life in Le Petit Canada, and to scan documents and copy oral histories filmed for the Franco-American Collection at the U. of Maine.

Blanka Bednarz - Concert tour, dissertation research, pre-concert or concert oral presentation related to her dissertation research, and archival dissertation research in Poland and Sweden

William Jeffries - “A comparative study of growth and development in two divergent groups of pedunculate barnacles using Octolasmis spp. and Lepas spp. as models.” Work on the second phase of this continuing research project will be conducted at the new Tropical Marine Research Institute of the National University of Singapore. It will be done in collaboration with a research group headed by Dr. Serena Teo.

Kirk Moll - Project to write a comprehensive bibliographic guide to reference works in the field of religious research, a book currently under contract with Greenwood Press. This project includes a three-week research trip for the purpose of working in major research libraries: the Burke Library of Union Theological Seminary in New York, one of the finest such collections in the United States and located in close proximity to the research libraries of Columbia University and Jewish Theological Seminary.

Blake Wilson – will travel to Florence, Italy to work with a collection of letters full of references to Florentine musical life during the 1480s and 1490s for his project, “Regarding Music: The Correspondence of Ambruogio Ageni in Renaissance Florence.”

Anthony Rauhut - Materials for project, “Effect of Bupropion on Nicotine Reward.” To begin to understand the therapeutic mechanism of action of bupropion, this experiment will determine if bupropion alters the rewarding efficacy of nicotine, as assessed using a nicotine-conditioned place preference paradigm.

Scholarly/Creative Projects – Summer 2003

Catherine Beaudry – Her project will be a continuation of your research on French-Canadian Migration to Lewiston, Maine.

Marcelo Borges – will continue research on Portuguese Immigrant Letters, and will include travel to Faro, southern Portugal.

Beverley Eddy – will be traveling to Vienna, Austria, and Zurich, Switzerland, to conclude her research for a biographical/literary study of the Austrian Felix Salten.

Marie Helweg-Larson –will be traveling to Denmark to undertake the extensive revisions to an article, “Why It Won't Happen to Me: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Social Comparison as a Cause of the Optimistic Bias” for The Journal of British Social Psychology.

Marcus Key –will be traveling to Dunedin, New Zealand to do field work on his project Bryozoan colony growth rates: a proxy for carbonate production in cool-water limestones.

Sharon O’Brien –will be traveling to Vermont, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Texas, and California doing research for her project, “The Norton Critical Edition of Willa Cather’s O Pioneers.”

Karl Qualls – will be traveling to Moscow, Russian Federation, to do research for his project, Use and Abuse of History in Soviet Urban Reconstruction Plans, 1945-1953.

Andrew Rudalevige – will be traveling to Washington, DC and College Park, MD, to do research for his project, The “M” in OMB: Enforcing Presidential Management Priorities.

Michiko Suzuki – will be doing research in the East Asian Collections at Stanford University and at the University of California at Berkeley for your article, “Progress and the Love Marriage: Rereading Tanizaki Jun’ichirô’s Chijin no ai.”

Karen Weinstein – will be doing research at the London Natural History Museum in London, England, for her project, Limb proportions and Interspecific Variation in Macaca: The Influences of Climate and Altitude.

Student Initiative Fund

Members of the Dance Theatre Group - Kate Bell, Elyse Casper, Brady Graham, Nicole Hoffman, Meghan Murray, Nadine Perecca, Kim Portis, Elizabeth Sellen, Michaela Shattuck, Mizuki Takura, Kristen Tolhurst, Eli Uhle – attended the American College Dance Festival in Buffalo, NY.

Katherine Ginn – presented results of research with Sharon Stockton, “A Kind of Splitting Off of the Phallus”: Psychology, Literature, and the Evolution of Rape in the 20th Century, at the conference of the Society of Literature and Science in Pasadena, California.

Shaun Brown – presented results of research with Gene Yogodzinski, Holocene Tephra Stratigraphy, Korovin Volcano, Central Aleutians, Alask,a at the Cordilleran Meeting of the Geologic Society of America, Puerto Vallerta, Mexico.

Student Faculty Research - Summer 2003

Richard Abrams/Michelle Knowles –Primacy of gender (not of affect) in unconscious processing of language

Karen Lordi/Natalie Diener –Student Assistant Director/Stage Manager at Pendragon

Teresa Barber/Kelle Basta/Emily Furthman –Effects of Unilateral Lesion Studies in Left or Right IMHV on Memory for Two Different Learning Tasks in Day-Old Chicks

Ben Edwards/Kate Wetherell – Comparison of field and mineralogical characteristics of trachytic volcanism in the northern Cordilleran volcanic province, British Columbia, Canada

Carol Loeffler/Jacob Wright/James Sierotko –Population and propagation studies of three rare wildflowers, Euphorbia purpurea, Solidago speciosa, and Aster radula

Brian Pedersen/Sarah L. Pears –Response of mixed hardwood forests to gypsy herbivory and drought: A dendroecological analysis moth

Anthony Rauhut/Isaac Zentner –Depression and Nicotine Dependence

Amy Witter/Matt Stachowiak –Molecular characterization of phytoplankton-derived extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced under nutrient-limited conditions

Janet Wright/Lindsay Wieland –Isolation of Subpopulations in a Woodra (Neotoma magister) Metapopulatione


Ashfaq Bengali/Benjamin Mezick –Investigating the Strength and Reactivity of the Re-MenTHF bond

David Crouch/Karina Menconi –Application of Ionic Liquids to the Deprotection of Silyl Ethers

Kirsten Guss/Casey DelConte –“Evaluation of potential targets of SCALLOPED function during Drosophila development”

John Henson/Jessica Davis/Christopher Fried –Investigating the role of contractile forces in the cell motility of sea urchin coelomocytes

Pamela Higgins/Caroline Estabrook – Synthesis of TFIIIA using in vitro reactions

Michael Holden/Andrew Schwerin –Studies Towards the Synthesis of Metal-based Anti-malarial Agents

Chuck Zwemer/Michael O’Malley/Nadine Powell –The role of aδ1-specific opioid agonist in improving neurological outcome following resuscitation from cardiac arrest

HHMI Internships

Abir Adnan Abla – “Glucocorticoid Receptor Function in a Conditionally Immortalized Hippocampal Cell Line,” with Dr. Donald DeFranco at the (Department of Pharmocology, University of Pittsburgh Medical School.

Michelle Ferenz – “Analysis of Pdr5p Mutants that Retain Partial Function,” with John Golin, Prof. of Biology, at The Catholic University of America.

Emily Greenlee - “Development of fluorescence in situ hybridization using rRNA-based probes for the analysis of gastrointestinal bacteria,” with Martin J. Kullen, Ph.D., Biological Research Group, Wyeth Nutrition.

Christopher R. Magel- “Dopamine Receptors,” with Dr. Anita Sidhu, Lab of Molecular Neurochemistry, at Georgetown University Medical Center.

Carole McBride - “Computational and Laboratory Study of p16/Ink4 Mutations,” with Dr. Marc S. Greenblatt, University of Vermont College of Medicine.

Melissa Moidel - “Tissue Engineering,” at the Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, Allegheny General Hospital.

Matthew Pye- “Enhancing the Efficacy of Bioherbicides,” Professor David Sands, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.

Emily Robinson- “Development of Genetic Markers for the Analysis of Population Structure in the Chilean Sea Bass (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antartic Toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni),” with Dr. Patrick Gaffney, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware

Emily Souder - “Induction of HAART – Persistent HIV-1 Expression,” at the Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia.

Benjamin Tiede - for a project “Antibody Isolation and Characterization,” with Dr. Ray Sweet, at Centocor, Molecular & Cellular Biology.

Sarah Yeskel - “Assessment of Genomic Instability in Breast Cancer Patients,” with Dr. Lisa Carey, at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Department of Medicine. (Sarah’s proposal was incomplete and she was asked to revise and resubmit.)