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Non-Travel Awards 2011-2012

Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2011-2012

Dana Research Assistantships Fall 2011:

Christine Bombaro, Library and Information Services/Colin MacFarlane ’12 – for Fall 2011 in support of her project, “Finding History.”

Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/Gabriel DiNatale ’14 and Myungsun Shin ’14– for Fall 2011 in support of her project, "Investigation of the cellular action of the natural product, parthenolide.” 2011 Fall and AY 2011-2012 Projects



Professional Development:

S. Benajmin Farrar, Theatre and Dance- for support associated with his Professional Development project, "Avid Pro Tools Software Training Class."

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Psychology – for support associated with her Professional Development project, "Training in Structural Equation Modeling."

John MacCormick, Mathematics and Computer Science – for support associated with his Professional Development project, “2011 Symposium on Operating Systems Principles- Treasurer.”






Jerry Philogene, American Studies – for support associated with her scholarly project, “Unearthing the New ‘Modern’ Haiti: Cultural Citizenship and National Bodies” and “Ghetto Superstar: The Politics of Dead Citizen(ship).”

Dawn Springer, Theatre and Dance – for support associated with her scholarly project, "Choreography for Four Women."





2012 Winter/Spring Projects



Professional Development:

May George, Middle East Studies- for support associated with her professional development project- "Teacher Scaffolding of Oral Language Production."

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance- for support associated with her professional development projects- “Making the Mold” and funding for attending the Accademia Dell'arte in Arezzo, Italy.




Jeremy Ball, History- for support associated with his scholarly project- "Angolan Monuments and Memorialization."

Beverly Eddy, German- for support associated with her scholarly project- "Klaus and Erika Mann's Encounters with America." The committee encouraged her to discuss with her department ways to share her scholarship opportunities with the college community.

Todd Makse, Political Science- for support associated with his scholarly project- "Constituent Perceptions of 'Communities of Interest' in Redistricting and Representation."

Amy Lynn Wlodarski, Music- for support associated with her scholarly project- "Exploratory Visit to the Steve Reich Archives at the Paul Sacher Foundation (Basel, Switzerland).”






Erin McNulty, Spanish and Portuguese- for support of her teaching project- “BaFa BaFa.”





Publications/Dissertations 2011-2012:

Tom Arnold, Biology- for expenses associated with his publication project- "Journal PLOS One."

Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies- for expenses associated with his publication-"Taiko BoomL Japanaese Drumming in Place and Motion."

Brenda Bretz, Academic Affairs- for expenses associated with her, "Dissertation Defense."

Sinan Koont, Economics- for expenses associated with his publication project- "Sustainable Urban Agriculture in Cuba."

Andrea Lieber, Religion- for expenses associated with her publication project- "The Essential Guide to Jewish Prayer and Practices."

Erin McNulty, Spanish and Portuguese – for expenses associated with her, “Dissertation Defense.”

Tullio Pagano, Italian- foe expenses associated with his project, “Writing from the Ridge: The Representation of Landscape in Liguria.”

Brett Pearson, Physics and Astronomy— for expenses associated with his project, “Rapid Pulse Shaping for Biological Microscopy.”

Peter Sak, Earth Science- for expense associated with his project, "Unraveling the Central Appalachian Fold-Thrust Belt, Pennsylvania: The Power of Sequentially Restored Balanced Cross Sections for a Blind Fold-Thrust Belt."

Cotten Seiler, American Studies- for expenses associated with his project, "Welcoming China to Modernity: US Fantasies of Chinese Automobility."

Melinda Schlitt, Art & Art History- for expenses associated with her publication project- "Gifts in Return.."

Vanessa Tyson, Political Science – for expenses associated with her, “Dissertation Defense.”





Sabbatical Expenses Support 2012-2013:

Blanka Bednarz, Music- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project- "Recording of Complete Works for Violin and Piano by Karol Szymanowski."

David Crouch, Chemistry- for expenses associated with his sabbatical project- "Studies of Silyl Protecting Groups and Microwave-mediated Orthoester Claisen Rearrangements."

Neil Diamant, East Asian Studies- for expenses associated with his sabbatical projects, "Talking about the Constitution: Chinese Conceptualizations of the Constitution in the Early PRC;" 2) "Does National Policy Matter? The Case of Veterans in the Reform Period in China, 1978-2012."

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics and Astronomy- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project- "Rotational and Radical Velocities of Stars in NGC 2362."

Marcus Key, Philosophy- for expenses associated with his sabbatical project- "The Impact of the Formation of the Isthmus of Panama on Seasonality in the Pacific and Caribbean."

Kristine Mitchell, Political Science- for expenses associated with her, "Sabbatical Projects."

Sharon O'Brien, American Studies- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project, "Publication and Power: Saving My Antonio."

Cotten Seiler, American Studies- for expenses associated with his sabbatical project- "A Difference That Makes No Difference: Making Race Not Matter in Postwar America."

Nicola Tynan, Economics- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project- "Economics History of Water in London, 1582-1902."

Karen Weinstein, Anthropology- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project- “Conducting a pilot study of data collection of energy expenditure via heart rate monitoring anthropology research.”





Pre-Ten Sabbatical Expenses Support 2012-2013:

Suman Ambwani, Psychology- for expenses with her sabbatical project- "Interpersonal Processes in Anorexia Nervosa."

David Ball, English- for expenses with his sabbatical project- "False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernist."

Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese- for expenses with her sabbatical project- "Sexual Diversity in the Rhetorical Landscape of Post-Soviet Cuba/ The Effect of Media and Technology on Historical Memory."

John MacCormick, Mathematic & Computer Science- for expenses associated with his sabbatical project, "Creating a Video Chat with Novel Camera Configurations." 

Jerry Philogene, American Studies- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project, "Unearthing the New Modern Haiti:  Cultural Citizenship and National Bodies"  and "Ghetto Superstar:  The Politics of Dead Citizenship."

Jennifer Schaefer, Mathematics & Computer Science- for expenses with her sabbatical project- 'Representation Theory and Universal Deformation Rings."

Sarah Skaggs, Theatre & Dance- for expenses with her sabbatical project- "Developing New Work in Three Choreographic Formats."

Sarah St Angelo, Chemistry- for expenses with her sabbatical project- "Sizing and Elemental Analysis of Biosynthesized Nanoparticle and Nanoplatelets."

Edward Webb, Political Science- for expenses associated with his sabbatical project- "Seizing research opportunities opened up by recent events in the Middle East and North Africa: Censorship and Social Mobilization; "Post-Islamism" and Revolt."




Dana Research Assistantships Spring 2012:

Marcelo Borges, History/ Julia Sanguinetti ’14 - for Spring 2012 in support of his project, “Multiple Immigration Narratives from Patagonia: Re-visiting Argentina’s Immigration.”

May George, Middle East Studies/Giancarlo Duffy ’13 and Sara Hatch ’12 - for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “Designing a Curriculum for an Arabic Conversation Course and Developing a Text Book.”

Won Yong Kim, International Business and Management/Wei Du ’13- for Spring 2012 in support of his project, “Executive Compensation and Misery Index.”

Elizabeth Lewis, Education/Lauren Amoros ’12- for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “Studying Adolescent English Language Learners’ Literacy Development through a Summer Writing Program.”

Erik Love, Sociology/Savannah-Grace Leeman ’14- for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “Confronting Islamophobia: Longitudinal Trends among Advocacy Organizations.”

Erin McNulty, Spanish/Steven Rodriguez ’14- for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “Processing Instruction: Explicit Information and Structured Input.”

Wendy Moffat, English/Holly Bowers ’12- for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “Bibliographic and Archival Research for Book Project “Impossible Year.””

Cotton Seiler, American Studies/Leah Shafer ’14- for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “A Difference That Makes No Difference: Making Race Not Matter in Postwar America.”

Nicola Tynan, Economics/Qian Zhang ’12- for Spring 2012 in support of her project, “Innovation by London’s Water Companies: Internalizing Public Health Externalities.”




Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2012:

Teresa Barber, Psychology/ Justin Williams ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Effects of Curciminoids on Learning and Memory in Day-Old Chicks."

Scott Boback, Biology/ Danielle Staunton ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of his project,
"Ecological and Environmental Influences on Nest-site Selection in the Painted Turtle."

Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/Thamprkorn Chiramanewong ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Investigation of the Contribution of Structure and Reactivity to the Selective Cytotoxicity of Germacranolide Natural Products."

Tiffany Frey, Biology/Sam Silverstein ’14- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Mechanisms of CD14 Expression."

John Henson, Biology/ Mesrob Yeterian ’14- for Summer 2012 in support of his project, "The Mechanism of Motility at the Cell Edge."

Marcus Key, Earth Science/ Rebecca Rossi ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of his project, "Testing a New Paleoclimate Proxy on a Temperate Bryozoan from New Zealand."

Elizabeth Lewis, Education/ Lauren Amoros ’12- for Summer 2012 in support of his project, "Young Writers Program for Adolescent English Language Learners- Summer 2012."

Sarah St Angelo, Chemistry/ Aaron Brumbaugh ’14- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Synthesis and Analysis of Bioreduced Nanoparticles."




Dana Research Assistants - Summer 2012:

David Ball, English/Colin Tripp ’14- for Summer 2012 in support of his project, "False Starts:  The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism."

Angela Delutis-Eichenberger, Spanish/Brian Reiger ’15- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Semena Poetica XI."

Tiffany Frey, Biology/Megan Stekla ’15- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Characterization of a Mitochrondrial Associated Novel Myosin (MYO19)."

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance/ Sydney Moffat ’14- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Design and Construction of Costumes for Summer Repertory Season."

Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance/ Lauren Brennan ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of her project, "Stage Manager/Assistant Director/Dramaturg for Pendragon Theatre."

David Kushner, Biology/ Mohammed Masab ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of his project, "Sequence-Structure Function Analysis of a Viral RNA."

Jon Page, Psychology/ Alaisa Emery ’12 and Deanna Vitrano ’12- for Summer 2012 in support of his project, "Developing a New Model of Human Perception and Action under Danger or Threat."

Brett Pearson and David Jackson, Physics and Astronomy/ Josh Margolis ’13- for Summer 2012 in support of their project, "Low-cost Spacial Light Modulator for Fourier Domain Pulse Shaping."




Summer Projects - 2012



Professional Development:

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian- support for her project, “Contemporary Russia Cinema and Media.”

Margaret Frohlich, Spanish- support for her project, “Summer Institute for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics.”

Michael Roberts, Biology- support for his project, “Studying Cancer Using Animal Model Systems.”




Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies- support for his project, “Japanese Robots for Europe’s Aged and Infirm: PARO and HAL in Denmark.”

Maria Bruno, Archaeology- support for her project, “Ethnobotanical Perspectives on Ancient Agriculture Intensification in the Andes and Amazon of Bolivia.”

Ward Davenny, Art and Art History- support for his project, “Materials support for studio research.”

Kamaal Haque, German- support for his project, “From Der Berg ruft to The Challenge: Adapting a German Mountain Film for the English Market.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance- support for her project, “Directing for Pendragon.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art and Art History- support for her project, “Therapeutic Culture: Health and Illness in Turn-of-the-Century American Art.”

Chauncey Maher, Philosophy- support for his project, “The Social Nature of Propositional Thought.”

Kim Lacy Rogers, History- support for her project, “What Brought you Here? New Religions in New Mexico."