What follows is a collection of web resources to assist you in locating an internship and/or job in your area of interest.
- Remember to use Handshake to search for jobs and internships listed with Dickinson College.
- Additional resources are available on the Major to Career page.
Back to Job and Internship Search Links
- AIESEC – Paid internships and experiences abroad.
- American Foreign Service Association Includes a wealth of information on the Foreign Service, including internship opportunities and information about careers in foreign service.
- BUNAC - a non-profit organization that sponsors many work/travel programs to destinations around the world.
- Connect 123 – Connect-123 Internship and Volunteer Programs facilitates career-related internship and service-learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in Cape Town, South Africa and Buenos Aires, Argentina in a wide range of fields including public health, medicine, education, economic development, business consulting, human rights, and journalism.*Country-by-Country Information* - Links to country-specific job search engines.
- Cross-Cultural Solutions - Volunteer opportunities in various countries.
- Department of State - Provides links to popular international job search websites by profession.
- Dream Careers - Summer internship placement program. Get opportunities abroad and live with other students. The program carries a fee. Dickinson students receive priority consideration if applying for financial aid for this program. Use promo code Dickinson_CC if applying for financial aid. See the webpage for details.
- GoinGlobal - includes more than 10,000 country-specific resources for finding international employment at home and abroad. Users must be on a networked computer to initially access this service. Going Global includes H1Base information regarding Work Visa Programs for International Students
- Global Jobs - NGO's, Think Tanks, Government, Private Sector
- Global Routes - Offers international teaching internships.
- Green Jobs
- Idealist: Action Without Borders - Hundreds of international non-profit jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities.
- InteRDom - The Dominican Republic's leading internship and academic study program.
- InterExchange - many exciting opportunities to experience everyday life overseas.
- Intern Abroad - Source for international internships. Search for paid and volunteer, academic and non-academic internships, as well as college credit practical training programs around the world.
- International Center - University of Michigan - Information about the study, work and travel abroad
- International Studies Abroad (ISA)
- Jobted - Search jobs around the world.
- Language Corps
- Monster.com's Global Gateway
- Mountbatten Institute
- Overseas Jobs
- Peace Corps
- Students Go Abroad – Fee-based internship & volunteer programs
- Transitions Abroad