Stormwater pollution is one of the leading sources of non-point pollution causing stream health degradation in Pennsylvania and in the nation. Our local stream in Carlisle, the LeTort Spring Run, is no exception. Stormwater in Carlisle comes from storm drains across town, concentrating untreated discharge into the Mully Grub Stream and LeTort Spring Run.
In 2007, ALLARM commenced a partnership with the Borough of Carlisle to collaboratively achieve the public education and public participation requirements of the Borough's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. This partnership has resulted in a dynamic campaign that has grown to include Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited and LeTort Regional Authority. The program's goals are to educate the Carlisle community about stormwater runoff and its effects on the LeTort Spring Run, and promote stream-conscious behaviors and healthy stream habits. To achieve our goals ALLARM designs and disseminates educational materials as well as engages in several community-based volunteer opportunities focusing on stormwater education. To stay up to date with stormwater events and presentations, subscribe to our monthly Stormwater Newsletter.
Dickinson College Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Story Map
Check out our Story Map on the various Stormwater BMP's that are installed at Dickinson College! This map was created by Watershed Coordinator Karan Shakya '20. Click the link below to learn more!
Stormwater Education
The Adopt a Storm Drain campaign engages volunteers to help minimize street flooding and pollution runoff into the LeTort by helping to keep storm drains clear of trash, leaves, and debris. Volunteers are responsible for attending to their adopted storm drain once a week and making sure it is clear of any debris that might be blocking it. Clearing a storm drain only takes 5-10 minutes, and volunteers choose which storm drains to adopt and when to clean them. ALLARM provides any supplies needed including gloves, safety vests, and leaf litter bags. Learn more about what Adopt a Storm Drain volunteers do as part of the program.
Sign up to adopt a storm drain!
ALLARM and the Borough of Carlisle are working to place storm drain markers on the curbs at each of the 900 storm drains throughout the town. The markers read “Don’t Dump, Drains to LeTort”, reminding passersby that all materials that enter through the drain will go directly into the LeTort. ALLARM has worked with local high schools as well as boy scouts to lay down as many markers as possible. All who are interested in helping should contact ALLARM about future events!
Rain Barrel Workshops
As a part of the effort to reduce the amount of stormwater, ALLARM hosts workshops educating residents of the Borough about the use of rain barrels and provides barrels to attendees. The barrels are great tools for capturing rain water for future use in gardens, washing cars, etc. There is a growing interest in obtaining the barrels within the greater Carlisle community, and ALLARM hopes to empower citizens with the knowledge and skills to build and maintain their own. Email us at or sign up here to be added to the waiting list for the next rain barrel workshop!