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Regalia & Diplomas



Students must wear academic regalia for the Commencement ceremony.  

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will be in contact with graduating seniors to request that they submit a senior survey. Those who complete a senior survey will receive their regalia free of charge. Those who do not complete the survey will be responsible for the cost of the regalia ($45). Regalia consists of a robe, cap, and tassel. The bookstore will have multiple sizes available according to height and weight. Regalia must be picked up at the bookstore Wednesday, May 14 - Saturday, May 17 according to the schedule below.

Wednesday, May 14 
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.  

Thursday, May 15  
9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Friday, May 16 
9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.  

Saturday, May 17 
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

Academic hoods will be placed on seniors during the ceremony just prior to receipt of the degrees. Please note that it is critical for you to know which degree you are receiving, B.A. or B.S., as the hood color is different for each. Seniors will be asked this information prior to being hooded, so please know in advance which degree you are receiving. The regalia and academic hood is for the graduate to keep and should not be returned to the bookstore.  

If you studied abroad for credit (non-credit bearing experiences abroad do not qualify) during your college career, upon your return you received a survey from the Center for Global Study & Engagement (CGSE) associated with your study site. Your survey must be completed by May 1, 2025, in order to pick up your flag badge(s) the following week. CGSE will send an email to all study abroad students with further details on picking up your badge(s).  

If you studied in Carlisle every semester you were a Dickinson student, you are eligible for the Carlisle badge as a participant in the “Carlisle In-Broad Program.” These are available in the bookstore on a first come, first served basis. 

All badges are to be affixed to the right shoulder on the outside of your robe using a safety pin (as ironing will burn your robe). 

Academic cords may be available through departments or clubs.  Please contact the academic assistants for those departments/clubs with regard to receiving an academic cord.


Following Commencement, original diplomas will be available for pickup by students or parents until 2 p.m. at the Holland Union Building, Underground Patio.