General Information
For students interested in graduate work in management and policy in both Private and Public Sectors, many options in addition to an MBA exist. Students should speak with their academic advisor and staff in the Center for Advising, Internships & Lifelong Career Development to obtain the most complete information on options available.
For students interested in pursuing an MBA, the criteria for admission to programs are: GMAT score, cumulative grade-point average, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and work experience. Students interested in an MBA can select any major field of concentration at the college; however, it is helpful to take certain courses that will orient the student more specifically in the business field. Below is a list of recommended courses.
Economics: 111, Introduction to Microeconomics; 112, Introduction to Macroeconomics
International Business and Management: 100, Fundamentals of Business; 110, Fundamentals of Accounting; 220, Managerial Decision Making; 230, International Organizational Behavior; 250, Finance
Mathematics: 121, Elementary Statistics; 151, Introduction to Calculus or 170, 171, Single Variable Calculus and Multivariable Calculus, or INBM 220, Managerial Economics
Internships and independent studies: Business-oriented internships and independent studies
Additional courses in international business and management, economics, philosophy, psychology, political science, and a foreign language are also suggested.
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
The GMAT should be taken by the fall semester of the senior year. The GMAT is offered as a computer-based standardized test offered at Prometric Testing Centers. Check for registration information.
MBA Direct Admissions Program
Dickinson College has a direct admission agreement with the Simon Business School, University of Rochester that allows eligible students special consideration in admissions. Interested students should contact the Center for Advising, Internships & Lifelong Career Development for more information.
Admissions Process
Contact the Center for Advising, Internships & Lifelong Career Development for more information and assistance with admission to graduate programs. Details on admissions criteria can be found on the Admissions Graduate & Partner Programs page.