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Spanish and Portuguese Current Courses

Spring 2025

Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
PORT 500-01 Race and Cultural Identity in Contemporary Brazil
Instructor: Adriana Bezerra da Silva
Course Description:

Courses Offered in SPAN
Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
SPAN 101-01 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Erin Diaz
Course Description:
This is the first course in the language sequence. The course focuses on all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with an emphasis on vocabulary development and listening comprehension development. Prerequisite: Placement exam.
08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 101-02 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Erin Diaz
Course Description:
This is the first course in the language sequence. The course focuses on all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with an emphasis on vocabulary development and listening comprehension development. Prerequisite: Placement exam.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 101-03 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Shannon Heckman
Course Description:
This is the first course in the language sequence. The course focuses on all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with an emphasis on vocabulary development and listening comprehension development. Prerequisite: Placement exam.
08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 101-04 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Asuncion Arnedo
Course Description:
This is the first course in the language sequence. The course focuses on all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with an emphasis on vocabulary development and listening comprehension development. Prerequisite: Placement exam.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 102-01 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Abraham Quintanar
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 101. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on speaking. Prerequisite: 101. Upon completion, students go to 201.
08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 102-02 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Adriana Bezerra da Silva
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 101. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on speaking. Prerequisite: 101. Upon completion, students go to 201.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 102-03 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Abraham Quintanar
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 101. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on speaking. Prerequisite: 101. Upon completion, students go to 201.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 102-04 Elementary Spanish
Instructor: Abraham Quintanar
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 101. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on speaking. Prerequisite: 101. Upon completion, students go to 201.
01:30 PM-02:20 PM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-01 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Allen Zegarra
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-02 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Allen Zegarra
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-03 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-04 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-05 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-06 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 201-07 Intermediate Spanish
Instructor: Carolina Castellanos Gonella
Course Description:
This course is a continuation of Spanish 102. The course focuses on all four langage skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, with increasing emphasis on writing and speaking. Prerequisite: 102 or placement by department. This course fulfills the language graduation requirement.
01:30 PM-02:20 PM, MTWRF
SPAN 202-01 Intermediate Spanish II
Instructor: Julie Lesman
Course Description:
The primary goal of this course is to develop students' formal knowledge of Spanish by reviewing and studying the more challenging grammatical structures. The course will also work on development of skills in reading, oral expression, and vocabulary development. The purpose of the course is to equip students with the formal grammatical background necessary to be successful in courses on Hispanic literatures, linguistics and cultures. Prerequisite: 201 or the equivalent.
08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 202-02 Intermediate Spanish II
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:
The primary goal of this course is to develop students' formal knowledge of Spanish by reviewing and studying the more challenging grammatical structures. The course will also work on development of skills in reading, oral expression, and vocabulary development. The purpose of the course is to equip students with the formal grammatical background necessary to be successful in courses on Hispanic literatures, linguistics and cultures. Prerequisite: 201 or the equivalent.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 202-03 Intermediate Spanish II
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:
The primary goal of this course is to develop students' formal knowledge of Spanish by reviewing and studying the more challenging grammatical structures. The course will also work on development of skills in reading, oral expression, and vocabulary development. The purpose of the course is to equip students with the formal grammatical background necessary to be successful in courses on Hispanic literatures, linguistics and cultures. Prerequisite: 201 or the equivalent.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MTWRF
SPAN 229-01 Food, Fun, and Recreation in Hispanic Cultures
Instructor: Asuncion Arnedo
Course Description:
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR
SPAN 231-01 With, Not About: Creative Complicity in Contemporary Latin American Arts, Film and Literature
Instructor: Adriana Bezerra da Silva
Course Description:
The course will highlight Latin American artistic, audiovisual, and literary productions from the past 20 years, analyzed using a close reading method. Students will explore the differences and similarities of the subjects represented in these works. They will be encouraged to cultivate a critical intercultural perspective that allows them to engage with these views of reality in a complicit and reflective manner. Based on these readings, students will write essays aimed at achieving a critical understanding, rather than the exoticized one of the homogenized thinking of the global North. Subjects often viewed as marginal will gain prominence through an exploration of the power dynamics that shape global thought. The themes addressed in the analyzed productions include sustainable ways of engaging with the environment, diverse perceptions of the passage of time, collectivism versus individualism, and alternative identities.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, TF
SPAN 231-02 Hispanic Cultures through Women's Voices
Instructor: Eva Copeland
Course Description:
Cross-listed with WGSS 201-03. This class explores literary texts and films created by women writers and directors from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain. The course delves into overarching themes such as representation, identity, diversity, gender roles, and empowerment. This course is taught entirely in Spanish.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR
SPAN 231-03 Hispanic Cultures through Women's Voices
Instructor: Eva Copeland
Course Description:
Cross-listed with WGSS 201-04. This class explores literary texts and films created by women writers and directors from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain. The course delves into overarching themes such as representation, identity, diversity, gender roles, and empowerment. This course is taught entirely in Spanish.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, MR
SPAN 238-01 Spanish for Business Professions
Instructor: Julie Lesman
Course Description:
This is a specialized course that emphasizes the language of business. Students will study the lexicon and language protocols appropriate to the basic functions of international business. The goal is to improve oral, reading, and writing skills while acquiring a general business vocabulary, and a broadened intercultural perspective. Prerequisite: 202 or 205.
11:30 AM-12:20 PM, MWF
SPAN 238-02 Spanish for Business Professions
Instructor: Julie Lesman
Course Description:
This is a specialized course that emphasizes the language of business. Students will study the lexicon and language protocols appropriate to the basic functions of international business. The goal is to improve oral, reading, and writing skills while acquiring a general business vocabulary, and a broadened intercultural perspective. Prerequisite: 202 or 205.
12:30 PM-01:20 PM, MWF
SPAN 295-01 Introduction to U.S. Latinx/Chicanx Literature and Culture
Instructor: Mariana Past
Course Description:
Cross-listed with LALC 295-01. This interdisciplinary introduction to Latinx/Chicanx Studies discusses cultural, literary, historical, political, and artistic texts produced within U.S. Latinx/Chicanx communities. This class will cover the varied lives and identities of Latinx individuals, with a particular focus on the Caribbean diaspora. This course will be taught primarily in English, with the FLIC option available for credit towards majors/minors in Spanish. This interdisciplinary introduction to Latinx/Chicanx Studies discusses foundational historical, cultural, political, artistic, and literary texts of U.S. Latinx/Chicanx communities. This class will cover the varied lives and identities of Latinx/Chicanx individuals, with a particular focus on the Mexican, Central American, and Caribbean diaspora. Specific course emphasis will depend on the professor. This course may be taught primarily in Spanish or English, depending on the material covered. Prerequisite: SPAN 229; 231; or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as LALC 295.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, MR
SPAN 299-01 Migration and Exile in Caribbean Contexts
Instructor: Mariana Past
Course Description:
Cross-listed with LALC 200-03. In this course we will explore a variety of texts by Caribbean and diasporic writers (in Spanish) that address issues of migration and exile from different cultural and historical perspectives. Our focus will be on developing effective tools, techniques, and critical approaches for reading and interpreting works of literature, film, and music. Students will learn to examine discourses, analyze arguments, and construct and defend arguments of their own, orally and in writing.
09:00 AM-10:15 AM, TR
SPAN 380-01 Creative Writing in Spanish: Writing from Memory
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:
Cross-listed with CRWR 219-02. This course introduces students to the art of creative writing, exploring fiction and non-fiction with a particular emphasis on memoir and the role of memory. Participants will draw from memory triggers-such as photography, short films, art, sculpture, and music-as they reflect on their experiences and identities. Through these mediums, students will learn to embrace the contingencies of life and reimagine their stories. A vital component of the course will be translation between Spanish and English. Equally important is the broader sense of translating lived and imagined experiences into narrative form. This dual exploration of language and reality will guide students on a transformative journey of creative expression applied to life.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR
SPAN 380-02 Entanglements in the Colonial Americas
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description:
Cross-listed with LALC 300-01. This course encourages students to rethink the traditional nation-centric narratives of colonial British and Spanish American history, according to which the histories and literatures of the two regions developed separately and rarely overlapped. Instead, we will learn the extent to which these histories were entangled. Students will read both historical and literary texts as we explore how peoples of the Early Americas navigated fluid environments in which multilingual and multicultural experiences helped constitute complex intersectional personal and regional identities. This course ultimately asks students to consider what it meant to be "American" in such dynamic zones of exchange. It will be taught in English. Readings will be in both English and Spanish; English translations of Spanish texts will be provided for students taking the course for credit in English. These students will submit written work in English. Students wanting credit for Spanish are expected to read the Spanish originals and required to submit written work in Spanish.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, TF
SPAN 500-01 Health and Wellbeing in Migrant Farmworkers
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:

SPAN 500-02 We Are What We Read: Hispanic Literature's Impact on Children
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:

SPAN 500-03 De la Sombra a la Luz: El Impacto Cultural del Deporte Femenino en España
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:

SPAN 500-04 Spanish Mysticism
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description:

SPAN 500-05 Shifting Rhetoric: A Comparative Analysis of U.S. Immigration Discourse
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description:

SPAN 500-06 Spanish Mysticism
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description:

SPAN 550-01 Analyzing 19th Century Chilean Texts: The Case of Carmen Mará­n
Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger
Course Description:

SPAN 550-02 La retórica de la planificación estratégica del sector tecnológico de Málaga
Instructor: Elise Bartosik-Velez
Course Description: