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Military Science Current Courses

Spring 2025

Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
MISC 102-01 Foundations of Agile and Adaptive Leadership
Instructor: Jazmyn Donley
Course Description:
In addition to the scheduled meeting time, students are required to attend physical training (PT), which averages three hours per week, as well as Lead Lab for an average of 90 minutes per week. Alternately, students have the option of conducting a research assignment which entails an additional minimum of one hour per week. A critical inquiry into the evolution of the relationship between military policy and the foreign and economic policies of the United States. A careful study of military history designed to foster in the student a balanced judgment of both political leaders and Soldiers and of their mutual problems in the conduct of military affairs in peace and war. By means of both written and oral presentations regarding the history of military art, battle history, technical studies and the relationship of the armed forces with society, students will be encouraged to develop a habit of critical reflection. To complement their investigation of military history, students will receive practical instruction in the application of military art and basic Soldier skills.Prerequisite: 101 or permission of instructor. One full course credit. Open to all Dickinson students.
01:30 PM-02:20 PM, T
MISC 202-01 Leadership and Team Development
Instructor: Dylan Jansen
Course Description:
Students will expand their knowledge of leadership principals and theory while exploring military historical leaders, situational leadership, adaptive leadership and transformational leadership. During this course students will learn to lead individuals and teams while understanding how to motivate individuals to complete a common goal. Students will further learn effective writing skills and understanding how to write operational requests, official memorandums, policies and evaluations. The capstone of this course will be to evaluate themselves as leaders, identify and compare the leadership principals of a historical leader. Prerequisite: 201 or permission of instructor. One full course credit. Open to all Dickinson students.
01:30 PM-03:30 PM, R
MISC 302-01 Applied Military Team Leadership
Instructor: Dylan Jansen, Jaime Christy
Course Description:
In addition to the scheduled meeting time, students are required to attend physical training (PT), which averages three hours per week, as well as Lead Lab for an average of 90 minutes per week. Students are required to apply creative and innovative solutions to complex problems. Students will apply basic principles and skills developed throughout this course as it pertains to decision-making, motivating and leading small organizations. Aspects of historical military operations are reviewed and evaluated as a means of preparing students for small unit leadership and ROTCs Cadet Leader Course. Students are expected to apply the basic principles of Army training methodology, the Law of Land Warfare and military troop leading procedures. Examines the importance of ethical and moral decision making in establishing a positive climate that enhances overall team performance. Emphasis is placed on student ability to communicate effectively through written and oral presentations. Prerequisite: 301. One full course credit.
01:30 PM-03:20 PM, W
TOME 115
MISC 402-01 Military Leadership in a Complex World
Instructor: Dylan Jansen, Jacob Phillips
Course Description:
Explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the COE. Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with nongovernmental organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support. The course places significant emphasis on preparing Cadets for their first unit of assignment. It uses case studies, scenarios, and "What Now, Lieutenant?" exercises to prepare Cadets to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading as commissioned officers in the United States Army. No course credit.Meets two hours per week each semester. Prerequisite: MISC 401.
01:30 PM-03:20 PM, W