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Economics Departmental Honors Archive

The following list includes the names of Dickinsonians who have earned departmental honors, the thesis/project title, and the year of conferral. If there is no thesis or project title, the conferring department only will be listed. Each academic department (or program) has its own criteria for awarding departmental honors. Please see the Advising Guide or elsewhere on the department’s main website for details.

Drew Thomas Haueisen (2024)
An Analysis of the Contract-Year Phenomena: An NBA Study

Shi Xi Liu (2024)
Housing Wealth and Gender Norms

Yingying Cao (2023)
Purchase Restrictions and Housing Prices in China

Trang Ha Do (2023)
The China Trade Shock and Its Impact on Intergenerational Occupational Mobility

Trang Huong Dang (2022)
Empirical Evidence of Herding Behavior in the U.S. Stock Market During Economic Crises

Lillian E Zeitlin (2021)
Impacts of Urbanization on Small-Scale Agricultural Operations in Central Pennsylvania

Dustin Michael Bishop (2020)
Rural Economic Development in the Mid-Atlantic

Chuling Huang (2019)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the 2014 Chinese Hukou Reform

Grant Jensen Shearer (2019)
Is Winning a Necessity for Financial Success in the Cycling Industry

Joana Peixoto Nunes (2017)
The Effect of Sporting Public Expenditures on Medal Share at the Summer Olympic Games: A Study of the Differential Impact by Sport and Gender

Yuanxiaoyue Yang (2017)
Econometric Analysis of NOx Trading Programs in Pennsylvania

Jason Allen Gates (2015)
Fees and Fairness: Medicaid Reimbursements and Patient Outcomes

Johnathan Titus Jones (2015)
Gender and the Great Recession: A Critical Look at the Causes, Outcomes, and Policy Responses

Nolan Alexander Funchion (2014)
Risk-Based IPO Underpricing in the U.S. Post-Dotcom Era: Evidence from Asymmetric Information & Uncertainty in the Pre-IPO Process

Misha Garg (2012)
Education in India and South Korea: A comparative analysis from a Gender and Development Perspective

Jenna Wrae Long (2012)
Comparative Analysis of Modern Recessions: Explaining the Less-Than-Great Recovery from the Great Recession

Devin Philip Quinn (2012)
The Role of Military in the U.S. Economy

Chandan Sapkota (2009)
Growth Diagnostics and its Application to the Nepalese Economy

Manuel Ignacio Saralegui (2009)
Towards a new "locus enunciacionis": The Dependency Debate in Latin America

Jason Robert Foltin (2008)
Establishing a Contextual Model Explaining the Relationship Between Income and Happiness

Emily Robin Meuwissen (2008)
The Adoption of the U.S. Minimum Wage: Economic, Social, and Political Considerations

Emmanuel Essah Acquaah (2007)
The Connection Between Property Rights to Land and Microfinance Expansion

Chris Aaron Dumbroski (2007)
Keyes and Ohlin: The Transfer Debate

Rebecca Kealoha Breeden (2006)
Departmental Honors in Economics

Donald C Morton (2006)
Departmental Honors in Economics

Edward Bowman Mulligan (2004)
Factors Affecting Pay in Major League Baseball

Caleb Carr Beckford (2003)
Departmental Honors in Economics

David Seth Shotlander (2002)
The Social Security Program in the United States

Justin Robert Falk (1998)
Departmental Honors in Economics

Laurence Eric Sussman (1996)
A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Question of the Burden of the Budget Deficit and the National Debt

Nicholas Joseph DiFiore (1994)
Departmental Honors in Economics

David Boyd Hughes (1991)
The Flexible Exchange Rate Regime

Joseph J Lisa (1989)
Japanese Duality: A Geo-Cultural Study of the Japanese Economy 1945-1989

Sam Y Hwang (1980)
The Growth with Equity Development Model: The Korean Experience

Robert C Lightburn (1974)
What Program of Action will Solve the Crisis of Inflationary Prices and Inefficient Organization of the Medical Care Industry?

Robert F Stambaugh (1974)
Bayesian Analysis of Polynomial Distributed Lags

Robert L Thomas (1968)
Economies of Scale and the Banking Industry with Reference to Bank Expansion in the 1960's

James R Kistler (1967)
A Study in the Economics of Education and in the Optimum Size of a Secondary Instructional Unit

J Lawrence Bayley (1965)
John R. Commons: An Examination of his Conclusions Regarding the Effects of Immigration 1880-1920

R Alan Medaugh (1965)
Participation of the United States Chemical Industry in International Cartel Agreements -1929 to 1940

Ralph E Smith (1965)
The Federal Government's Relations with its Organized Civil Servants

John R Gates (1964)
A Theory of Economic Development with a Case Study of Venezuela

David L Reichard (1964)
The Tax Status of Travel and Entertainment Expenses