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Classical Studies Departmental Honors Archive

The following list includes the names of Dickinsonians who have earned departmental honors, the thesis/project title, and the year of conferral. If there is no thesis or project title, the conferring department only will be listed. Each academic department (or program) has its own criteria for awarding departmental honors. Please see the Advising Guide or elsewhere on the department’s main website for details.

Nicholas Joseph Morris (2024)
Departmental Honors in Classical Studies

Seth Andrew Levin (2019)
Venit, Vidit, Vicit, Scripsit:  Caesar's Conscious Manipulations in his Commentaries

Lucy Anne McInerney (2015)
"Dives avis, sed non genus omnibus unum: Ethnic Diversity in Vergil's Rome."

Daniel Plekhov (2014)
Ethnicity, Nomima, and Identity: A Study of the Multi-Ethnic Cities of Himera and Gela

David T Hewett (2006)
Vis Philosophiae: Seneca, Epistle 53

Emily J Hulme (2006)
The Passion of Agnes: An Interpretation of Peristephanon 14

Daniel J Heisey (1988)
Tacitus: A Biographical Study

C Thomas Ludden (1986)
Tyranny and Fifth Century Athens

Rebecca R Harrison (1980)
Anatolia and the Etruscan Language and Alphabet

Daniel G Sunderland (1979)
Latin and Hittite: A Linguistic Study of the Aeneas Myth

James M Melson (1978)
The First Apology of Justin Martyr: Christianity and Second Century Philosophy

Evan W Hauck (1974)
Joyce and the Latin Poets

Dean W Simpson (1974)
Structural and Thematic Consistency in Lucretius'"De Rerum Natura"

Martha Purvis Corson (1971)
In Defense of Domitian

Gregory A Staley (1970)
The Nature of Senecan Drama

Steven G Felsher (1969)
Report on Research into Theophrastus and Biography for the Academic Year 1968/9

Stephen C Rettenmayer (1969)
The concept of suffering in Aeschylus

Christopher S Werner (1969)
Conversion: Apuleius and Augustine

Edward A Phillips (1967)
The Platonic Art of Publius Vergilius Maro and Edmund Spenser

Doris Detweiler Ormsby (1966)
The Academy and Change

Joyce Lynn Beene (1965)
Comedy and Elegy in the Late Roman Republic

Patricia Miller Gable (1965)
Duality and "Triality" in Ovid's Fasti