Volunteer Spotlight: Tom and Gayle Seman P’13

What prompted you to want to get more involved with Dickinson?
We were very involved with Tory's schooling while she was home and knew we would enjoy the connection to her new life at Dickinson that volunteering would provide. 

List the volunteer opportunities you participate in:
We have staffed college fairs and have enjoyed meeting prospective Dickinson students by participating in off campus interviews.

What do you enjoy most about your volunteer experience?
We have had the opportunity to meet a number of very interesting young people. Their abilities and activities have been inspiring. We have also enjoyed getting to know Dave Frohman through our volunteer activities! Sending Tory so far away was tough for us and being in contact with Dickinson in our capacity as volunteers, has created a nice sense of connection to the community of which she is an active member. It has been so enjoyable and we cannot believe she is getting ready to graduate in May!!

Published June 6, 2014