Faculty Profile

Noreen Lape

(she/her/hers)Associate Provost of Academic Affairs; Director of the Writing Program; Professor of Educational Studies (2009)

Contact Information


57 S. College St


Since 2009, I have served as Director of the Writing Program/Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center, which offers writing tutoring in eleven languages. As Director, I have developed a Writing Associates (Fellows) Program, transformed a well-established English writing center into a Multilingual Writing Center, administered a three-tiered writing requirement, coordinated a writing-focused faculty development program, and organized the Writing Assessment Project. In 2014, and in collaboration with faculty from across the disciplines, I developed a Quantitative Reasoning Center. My teaching experience includes first-year writing, research writing, writing & wellness, and American literature courses as well as tutor training and composition theory at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. My most recent publications have focused on training tutors in emotional intelligence, developing a Multilingual Writing Center, and adapting writing pedagogy to mathematics courses. In spring 2020, I published as part of Parlor Press's Second Language Writing Series a book entitled Internationalizing the Writing Center: Developing a Multilingual Writing Center that offers a rationale, administrative plan, and tutor training strategy for a Multilingual Writing Center.

Curriculum Vitae


  • B.A., The College of St. Elizabeth, 1988
  • M.A., Temple University, 1991
  • Ph.D., 1996

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024

INTD 250 Spkng & Wrtg Across Difference
Permission of Instructor Required. In this course, we engage with the theoretical frameworks and practical applications of civil dialogue necessary to bring about culture change in our communities. First, we will discuss the concept of civil (and uncivil) dialogue. What is civil dialogue, and why do we engage in it? How can the concept of "civility" be used against people? What happens when civil dialogue fails? What tools do we have left? If the goal of civil dialogue is mutual understanding, how do we know if we have achieved mutual understanding? We also delve into issues that affect civil dialogue: the costs of polarization and cancel culture; the notion of free speech; the implications of safe versus brave spaces; misinformation and disinformation; the role of ethical reasoning; civil dialogue in global contexts; and the critiques of civility in regard to minoritized people. Second, students will explore various public conversation models, evaluate them in light of our campus culture, and make recommendations about their transformative potential. Third, the class will choose two models and facilitate a dialogue using their methods.