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Declaring the Certificate

Important Info to Get Things Started

FDST201 Introduction to Food Studies is the gateway course for the Certificate. It is offered in the Fall only and has a prerequisite of one (1) food studies elective. Perhaps you have already taken a food studies elective. Think about your previous courses, ask the Registrar’s Office, or reach out to the Certificate coordinator. If you have taken one, that’s great. You can enroll in FDST201 and you can declare the Certificate! Don’t have an elective yet? Here are some options.

Options to Fulfill the FDST201 Prerequisite

If you are reading this before the Fall semester starts: 

  1. Ideally, you should start things off with an elective in the Fall (or in the Spring, or both, and you’ll have two!) and then take the Intro course the following Fall. This is ideal if you are a first-year or a second-year student. 
  2. You may take FDST201 and an elective at the same time, with permission of instructor. This is allowed if you are interested in pursuing the Certificate and you declare it. 

If you are reading this before the Spring semester starts: 

  1. You can take an elective in the Spring and then take the Intro course next Fall. If it is too late now for you to enroll in an elective or you have time conflicts this Spring, go back to options 1. and 2. above.  

How to Find Food Studies Electives

There are usually several FDST electives offered each semester. You can search for them in Banner. Select "Browse Classes", then select the term, then click on "Advanced search", then add "Food Studies Elective" in the “Attribute” slot.

How to Declare the Certificate

  1. You should declare your FDST Certificate as soon as possible. FDST students have priority for getting into FDST201 and FDST401.
  2. E-mail the FDST Coordinator, currently Asuncion Arnedo, to let her know your intentions to declare the FDST certificate. She will assign you an Advisor.
  3. Setup up an appointment to meet with your Advisor. During that meeting you will discuss the FDST Certificate program, including study-abroad options for FDST and how to complete the Experiential Component requirement.
  4. In an effort to make submission of forms easier for students and faculty, the Registrars Office has worked with LIS to transition paper/PDF forms to a completely online process. For CLIQ forms, log into your Gateway, click on the CLIQ icon, then choose Registrars Office Forms on the menu.
  5. To declare the FDST Certificate, choose "Minor/Certificate add/drop".
  6. Before submitting any CLIQ forms, always be sure to consult with the professor(s) you will include on the form.
  7. Once submitted, you will receive an e-mail and so will the professor(s). When all approvals are received, the Registrars Office will be notified to update your record.