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Group Fitness Classes

Spring 2022 semester classes will begin on Sunday, January 30  and go through Thursday, May 5. There will be no classes during Spring Break and Finals Week. Classes are open to students, faculty and staff. Students do not need to preregister to take classes without an asterisk (*), but please take the time to sign in at every class you attend. 

Spring 2022 Group Fitness Class Schedule

Class Day Time Instructor Location
Spin Class Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 

5:30PM - 6:30PM EDT


Kline Spin Studio

Pilates Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

MW: 4:30PM - 5:30PM EDT

T: 12:00PM - 1:00PM EDT

Jenni HUB Dance Studio

Class Descriptions

Indoor Spinning -This is a high intensity cardio workout specifically choreographed to music on indoor stationary bikes. This 45 minute class provides a full body workout by combining interval training with light weights and abdominal/core work. You will build your endurance and have fun while pedaling to upbeat, motivating music. People of all fitness levels are welcome to ride, whether you are a seasoned rider or new to spinning!

Devil's Edge- Devil’s Edge is a small group circuit training workout based on varied functional movements to create transformations and inspiring fitness experiences. Diverse options allow the program to cater to all fitness levels. Dynamic weight training moves and cardio blasts will get your heart rate up, make you sweat and push

Yoga- This yoga class welcomes students at any level in their practice. Through breathing exercises and yoga postures, you will work on strength, flexibility and balance that benefits both your body and mind.  

Pound Fitness: Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out. Designed for all fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all ages and abilities

Class Locations

Kline Spinning Studio - Enter the Kline through the lobby on Cherry Street. Go up the stairs and follow the walkway that leads to the swimming pool, rock wall, and main gym floor. Pass the check in desk, and the Spinning Studio is on the second floor on the right.

Performance Fitness Center (Old Kline): , Etnter the Kline through the lobby on Cherry Street. Go up the stairs and follow the walkway that leads to the swimming pool, rock wall, and main gym floor. Pass the check in desk, and turn right down the hallway and continue straight until you see the door at the end of the hallway.