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Water Facts

February 2024 - PFAS

Learn about what PFAS are, and what steps you can take to reduce exposure. 

October 2023 - Stormwater 

Learn about the stormwater as it relates to Dickinson College and the Carlisle area. 

September 2017 - Who is ALLARM?

Learn about who ALLARM is and some of the organization's partnerships and projects. 

Spring 2017 - From Gardens to the LeTort

Learn about how gardening and lawn care can affect the LeTort and what residents can do to practice healthy stream habits.

Winter 2016 - The Dakota Access Pipeline and Standing Rock

Learn about the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy and how Dickinson College students are being proactive.

November 2016 - Flint, Michigan Water Update

An update on the Flint water crisis and of the Dickinson's community to help through service and donations. Read and learn more.

October 2016 - Healthy Streams & Healthy Selves

Learn about antibacterial products, a recent ban of triclosan in consumer soaps, and tips for staying healthy this fall.
Read and learn more.

September 2016 - What is Volunteer Monitoring?

Learn about volunteer monitoring, local citizen science projects, and how ALLARM's work fits into the broad spectrum of community-based research.
Read and learn more.

Summer 2016 - Mosquitoes and Stagnant Water

Avoiding mosquito bites starts by avoiding creating mosquito habitats - tips on reducing your chances of being bit at home and abroad this summer.
Read and learn more.

April 2016 - Stream Restoration

An overview of ALLARM's collaborative project with the Dickinson College Farm to help strengthen a stream bank on the Yellow Breeches.
Read and learn more.

March 2016 - Flint Water Crisis

An update on the Flint Water Crisis and what students at Dickinson are doing to help.
Read and learn more.