Taking Courses at Another Institution
In the event that you are studying abroad or are enrolled in a summer or January term, you may be interested in taking a chemistry course. You may take chemistry courses at another institution in the United States or abroad, provided that you are (a) in good academic standing with a 2.0 grade point average or better and (b) the other institution is accredited and has been approved by Dickinson.
Credit Transfer: To assure credit transfer you must secure prior approval of course(s). Please note: If you do not complete the approval process before you leave campus to attend the other school, you run the risk of not receiving approval for your course(s).
Getting Started: Plan ahead! Please allow 2-3 weeks for your request to be approved by the department chair.
- Your first step is to fill out this form.
- You will need to obtain the "Enrollment in Another Institution," available from the registrar.
- For study abroad, please visit the study abroad tab to find the equivalent course. OR, summer or January terms, find a URL linking to the course syllabus or the college’s description of the course, which must include specific information about course hours, topics, etc.
- Once you have secured approval, have your advisor sign the form and bring it to Janice Wiss in the chemistry department office to be signed by the department chair.
- After the "Enrollment in Another Institution Form" is completed and signed, take this to the registrar.
What happens next?
As soon as the summer session or January term is over, it is your responsibility to see that the institution you attended sends an official transcript of your academic work to:
Dickinson College
Registrar's Office
P.O. Box 1773
Carlisle, PA 17013
You will receive only transfer credit for approved courses in which a grade of C (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or better is earned, i.e. grades earned at another institution will appear on your Dickinson transcript, but they will not count in your cumulative grade point average. (Exception: courses taken at a Central Pennsylvania Consortium College during fall or spring semesters.)
Courses may not be taken pass/fail unless it can be documented that pass is equivalent to a grade of C or better.