Photography and Multimedia Services
Contact Us
Joe O'Neill, Director of Visual Media
Dan Loh, College Photographer and Assistant Director of Visual Media
Requesting Photographic Coverage
The college photographer accepts ideas to cover official Dickinson events that benefit the marketing and communication initiatives of the college. Priority is given to assignments that have the greatest benefit to the college. For your event to be considered, please complete the project-request form. If the photographer is unavailable, the office can recommend a freelance photographer.
Requesting Portrait Sittings
Portrait sessions for faculty and staff are the second Tuesday of each month from 12 – 2 p.m. at 50 Mooreland.
Personal Photography
The campus photographer does not accept assignments of a personal nature. These include passport photos, family portraits and private events.
Requesting Video and Multimedia Presentations
The director of visual media accepts ideas for short videos to be used for official Dickinson marketing initiatives and publicity. Assignments are considered on a time-available basis, with priority given to those projects that have the greatest benefit to the college. Begin the process by completing the project-request form. Submission of this form does not guarantee coverage. All requests will be considered through Marketing and Communications' editorial process. We will respond once a decision on coverage is made.