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Equity, Inclusivity and Belonging All-College Committee


In 2021, the All-College Committee on Equity, Inclusivity & Belonging (EIB) merged the President’s Commission on Inclusivity, the Working Group on Sexual Harassment & Misconduct and the Bias Education & Response Team into a single, permanent all-college committee.  


The committee is charged with improving policies related to harassment and discrimination, monitoring progress on the Inclusivity Strategic Plan and ensuring the training and education of all members of the community on equity, inclusivity and belonging. To do so, the EIB Committee will…

  • Monitor the college’s adherence to and legal compliance with policies and legislation such as Titles VI, VII, IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, etc. 
  • Ensure ongoing dialogue to enhance and improve all policies related to harassment and discrimination.
  • Monitor trends in the field, receive, review, and make recommendations to senior leadership relative to proposed substantive changes to policies related to harassment and discrimination.
  • Monitor, engage and educate our community relative to bias-related concerns.
  • Monitor and report progress on the Inclusivity Strategic Plan to the community.
  • Ensure that students, faculty, and staff are educated about and receive professional development on issues of equity, inclusivity & belonging.
  • Ensure that departments and divisions are creating unified and cohesive inclusivity efforts in their creation of extra- and co-curricular programming; it shall not recommend or pursue any course of action that would impede academic freedom.
  • Advise on education and training to ensure recruitment and retention of a diverse student body, faculty, and staff.

The EIB Team 

The EIB Team is comprised of representatives from across the entire Dickinson campus with members from senior leadership, faculty, staff, and students. Meet our team!  

Faculty Representatives

James Martin (Chair)

Associate Professor of Music

Qing Bai

Associate Professor of International Business & Management

Hanna Roman

Assistant Professor of French

Mohammad Abu Shuleh

Senior Lecuturer in Middle East Studies

Staff Representatives

Tony Boston (Administrative Lead)

Chief Diversity Officer

Vincent Champion (Advisory Role)

General Counsel

Angie Fernandez Barone

Interim Enrollment and Admissions Representative

Samantha Brandauer

Associate Provost, Executive Director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement

Debra Hargrove

Vice President, Human Resource Services

Marni Jones 

Dean and Director of Access and Disability Services (ADS) and  Strategies, Organization, & Achievement Resources (SOAR)

Kat Matic

Title IX Coordinator

Maria Ritchie

Non-exempt Staff Representative
Executive Assistant Provost's Office

Nicole Simmons 

Exempt Staff Representative
Director of Prospect Management & Research

Student Representatives

Ibny Crookson

Class of 2027 - Student Senate,  EIB Senator

Reeti Rawal

Class of 2027 - Student Senate, Director of Inclusivity

Claudia Moiset-Planas

Class of 2027 - Student Senate, Student Senator


Class of 202? - Student Senate, Director of Academics

EIB Subcommittees

  • BERT - The Bias Education and Response Team
  • Communication
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Priorities
  • Education
  • Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
  • Voice, Visibility, and Participation of Underrepresented Dickinsonians


Email with EIB questions or business.