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Frequently Asked Questions About Sociology

Questions for Majors

What are the requirements for a Sociology Major?

There are a total of 11 course requirements for a Sociology Major—Social Analysis; Inequalities in the U.S. OR Global Inequality; Quantitative Research Methods; Qualitative Research Methods; Classical OR Contemporary Theory; a Senior Seminar; and five electives. Of these five electives, three must focus on a common theme or idea—these classes form your thematic.

(see also: the Academic Bulletin: Sociology)

What is a “thematic”?

A thematic is an area of focus or expertise within the field of sociology. Developing a thematic enables students to acquire an area of specialization, in addition to their understanding of broader sociological principles and methods. Possible thematics include, but are not limited to: gender, religion, race/ethnicity, globalization, health, family, and social movements.

By spring break of their senior year, students should submit a thematic statement to their adviser that articulates how their (minimum of) three courses relate to one another in ways that fulfill the thematic. This thematic statement is generally 1-2 paragraphs long.