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Faculty and Student Research

Faculty, Student, and Collaborative Research

Recent Faculty Research

Steinbugler, Amy C. was awarded the William J. Goode Book Award for 2014 by the ASA Sociology of the Family Section for her book, Beyond Loving: Intimate Racework in Lesbian, Gay, and Straight Interracial Relationships.

Steinbugler, Amy C. was awarded the 2014 Distinguished Book Award for Beyond Loving: Intimate Racework in Lesbian, Gay, and Straight Interracial Relationships, from the Sexualities Section of the American Sociological Association.

Rose, Susan. 2013. Challenging Global Gender Violence: The Global Clothesline Project. Macmillan/Palgrave Pivot.

Steinbugler, Amy C. 2012. Beyond Loving: Intimate Racework in Lesbian, Gay, and Straight Interracial Relationships. New York: Oxford University Press.

Steinbugler, Amy C. 2009. “Hiding in Plain Sight: Why Queer Interraciality is Unrecognizable to Strangers and Sociologists,” in Interracial Relationships in the 21st Century, Angela J. Hattery and Earl Smith, eds. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Love, Erik. 2013. “Unindicted Outreach: Muslim American advocacy organizations and the state.” In Islamic Organizations in Europe and the USA, ed. Kerstin Rosenow and Matthias Kortmann. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Love, Erik. 2012. “Gendered Vulnerabilities: Muslim American Civil Rights Advocacy.” In Geographies of Privilege, ed. Bradley Gardner and France Winddance Twine. New York : Routledge.

Love, Erik. 2009. “Confronting Islamophobia in the United States: framing civil rights activism among Middle Eastern Americans.” Patterns of Prejudice. Vol. 43, No. 3 & 4. 401-425.

Rose, Susan. "Using Culture as a Resource in the Process of Decolonization: Fighting Gender Violence in the U.S. and New Zealand." Te Awatea Journal, Christchurch, New Zealand. Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2, December 2012. Print and

Rose, Susan. 2013. “‘It Wasn’t a Sweet Life’: Engaging Students in Oral History, Interviewing Across Race, Class, and Generation.” Oral History in Communities of Color, Theresa Barnett and Chon Noriega, eds. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press. 76-97.

Rose, Susan. 2011. “Sex, Sin, and Social Policy: Religion and the Politics of Abstinence-Only Programs” in Fundamentalism, Politics, and the Law. Marci Hamilton and Mark Rozell (eds), 49-73. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

On the Web
See Erik Love’s op-ed’s at:

Collaborative Research

Oanh-Nhi Nguyen '13 and Prof. Susan Rose
Global Gender Violence: Clothesline Documentary on Bearing Witness to Violence Against Women and Children (2012, 53 minutes)
Produced and edited by Susan Rose and Oanh-Nhi Nguyen '13
Global Clothesline Blog:

Prof. Susan Rose, Prof. Marcelo Borges, and Students from Patagonia Mosaic
An Argentine Mosaic: Destino Patagonia (2011, 71 minutes, bilingual Spanish/English)
This film focuses on the multiple (im)migration stories that led to the development of Comodoro Rivadavia, in the Patagonia region of Argentina, and surrounding oil company towns. The peopling of Patagonia is a story of im(migration), ethnic-labor, class, and gender relations, community development, and the documentation of collective memory.

Gabriela Uassouf '10 and Prof. Dan Schubert
Gabriella Uassouf and Professor Dan Schubert produced Living Positive for the AIDS Community Alliance (ACA) of South Central Pennsylvania. The film draws on oral history interviews with people living with HIV/AIDS and will be used to introduce new ACA clients to life with HIV/AIDS and to the services that ACA provides. ACA debuted the film at their annual meeting in October 2009.

Manuel Saralegui '10 and Prof. Susan Rose
Lost Ones Trailer
(2011, 15 minutes, with Spanish sub-titles)
Produced and edited by Susan Rose and Manuel Saralegui '10. Spanish sub-titles by Julia Sanguinetti '14 and Marilyn Romero’12. Posted on YouTube with approval by the Lipan Apache Band of Texas Elders Committee:

Student and Alumni Research (select honors and publications)

  • Sarah P. Hiller '06, MPIA, is a doctoral student in the Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health, Focus: Global Health, at the University of California, San Diego & San Diego State University published, "Social Support among Mexican FSW-IDUs" in The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
  • Lauren Porter '06, Assistant Professor, Kent State University

    Lauren Porter (with Matt Vogel) was awarded the 2011 First Prize for the Gene Carte Paper Award by the American Society of Criminology for their outstanding scholarly contribution to the field of criminology: “Residential Mobility and Delinquent Peers Revisited: Causation or Selection?”

  • Christopher Wildeman ’02, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Yale University

    Wildeman, Christopher. 2012. “Imprisonment and Infant Mortality.” Social Problems 59:228- 257.

    Wildeman, Christopher, Jason Schnittker, and Kristin Turney. 2012. “Despair by Association? The Mental Health of Mothers with Children by Recently Incarcerated Fathers.” American Sociological Review 77:216-243.

    Wakefield, Sara, and Christopher Wildeman. 2011. “Mass Imprisonment and Racial Disparities in Childhood Behavioral Problems.” Criminology and Public Policy 10:791-817.