Althouse Hall Room 101
Steve’s passion is working with individuals and teams to create purpose that leads to lasting fulfillment. He believes that each of us possess unique talents and strengths that need to be utilized for the greater good to society.
INBM 100 Fundamentals of Business
This course features an introductory focus on a wide range of business subjects including the following: business in a global environment; forms of business ownership including small businesses, partnerships, multinational and domestic corporations, joint ventures, and franchises; management decision making; ethics; marketing; accounting; management information systems; human resources; finance; business law; taxation; uses of the internet in business; and how all of the above are integrated into running a successful business. You will learn how a company gets ideas, develops products, raises money, makes its products, sells them and accounts for the money earned and spent.
This course will not fulfill a distribution requirement.
INBM 300 Profiles in Leadership
Why are some leaders more effective than others? How do accomplished leaders from Dickinson's alumni community understand their success? What are the most important challenges today's leaders need to confront? This course combines weekly presentations by some of Dickinson's most distinguished alumni with in-depth discussion on many contemporary leadership issues. The first class each week will center on alumni presentations about their civic and professional leadership experiences, allowing substantial time for Q&A. The second will focus on the review of relevant issues in the study of leadership. Students' coursework will include a casebook of one-page reflections on our guests' presentations, an annotated bibliography on a leadership issue of their choice (submitted at mid-semester), and a final project in which students analyze a significant issue or case study from the course through the disciplinary lens of their major.
INBM 300 Profiles in Leadership
The 9:30-10:20 time slot for this class is for regularly scheduled speakers that will meet with both sections of the course (exact dates TBD). Students in the 8:30 section will not be able to take a class during the MWF 9:30-10:20 time slot.
INBM 300 Profiles in Leadership
Why are some leaders more effective than others? How do accomplished leaders from Dickinson's alumni community understand their success? What are the most important challenges today's leaders need to confront? This course combines weekly presentations by some of Dickinson's most distinguished alumni with in-depth discussion on many contemporary leadership issues. The first class each week will center on alumni presentations about their civic and professional leadership experiences, allowing substantial time for Q&A. The second will focus on the review of relevant issues in the study of leadership. Students' coursework will include a casebook of one-page reflections on our guests' presentations, an annotated bibliography on a leadership issue of their choice (submitted at mid-semester), and a final project in which students analyze a significant issue or case study from the course through the disciplinary lens of their major.