Faculty Profile

Crystal Reynaga

(she/her/hers)Assistant Professor of Biology (2022)

Contact Information


James Hall - Rector Complex Room 1225


My research investigates questions that lie at the intersection of musculoskeletal physiology and movement mechanics. Work in my lab aims to understand how animal movement can be affected in complex environments, from the whole animal scale to the muscle level. My experimental approaches examine shifts in limb anatomy, the nervous system, and muscle-tendon mechanics to determine what drives changes to locomotor performance. My lab employs an integrative approach using modern physiological and engineering tools, such as electromyography, muscle imaging, biological materials testing, high-speed videography, computer vision, and 3D printing. As a Chicana scientist and first-generation college student, my experiences in STEM have motivated me to devote my career to help increase diversity in STEM fields and broaden the public’s perception of science and scientists. I am propelled by my steadfast desire to serve my community and support others in their pursuits of scientific and academic endeavors. A significant part of my work incorporates advocacy, mentorship, and developing inclusive community to recruit, sustain, and retain students underrepresented in the sciences.

Curriculum Vitae


  • B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2012
  • Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2018

2023-2024 Academic Year

Fall 2023

BIOL 333 Physiology w/Lab
A study of physiological mechanisms in the animal kingdom, stressing the structural and functional bases of biological activities. Emphasis is on vertebrate organs and organ systems. Laboratory includes experimental physiological studies of selected organisms. Six hours classroom a week. Prerequisites: One 200-level BIOL course. For Neuroscience majors, prerequisite is NRSC 200.

BIOL 412 Contemp Prob in Muscle Physio
This course explores the broad historical approaches, and current advances and challenges in muscle physiology. The hierarchical complexity for muscle tissue from the molecular level to the neuromuscular level provide ample opportunities to explore concepts in energetics, metabolism, biochemistry, and biophysics. We will investigate the effects of exercise, age, and disease on muscle function. By the end of the course, students will gain a deep appreciation for the complexity of muscle function and adaptation through evaluation of scientific publications and familiarity with experimental methods in muscle physiology.

BIOL 560 Stu/Faculty Collaborative Rsch

NRSC 560 Stu/Faculty Collaborative Rsch

Spring 2024

BIOL 301 Biomechanics
Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates anatomy, physiology, neuromechanics, classical physics, and engineering to understand the principles that govern animal and human movement. Concepts will take a comparative approach across various organisms to investigate different forms of terrestrial movement such as running, walking, and jumping. We will investigate these concepts through multiple levels of biological organization, beginning from muscle cellular mechanics to whole body joint mechanics and whole-body energy exchange. This course will utilize quantitative tools such as basic algebra and trigonometry to characterize varying forms of movement.

BIOL 560 Stu/Faculty Collaborative Rsch

NRSC 560 Stu/Faculty Collaborative Rsch