Faculty Profile

Edward McPhail

Professor of Economics (1998)

Contact Information


Althouse Hall Room 209


  • B.A., Washington University, 1986
  • M.A., University of Virginia, 1989
  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2001

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024

ECON 111 Intro to Microeconomics
A study of the fundamentals of economic analysis and of basic economic institutions, with particular emphasis upon consumer demand and upon the output and pricing decisions of business firms. The implications of actions taken by these decision-makers, operating within various market structures, upon the allocation of resources and the distribution of income are examined. Special attention is given to the sociopolitical environment within which economic decisions are made.

ECON 112 Intro to Macroeconomics
A study of the fundamentals of economic analysis and of basic economic institutions, with particular emphasis upon national output, employment, and price levels. The monetary and financial system is explored together with problems of economic stability. Monetary and fiscal policy procedures are analyzed and evaluated in light of the current economic climate. Special attention is given to the historical development of major economic institutions.Prerequisite: 111.

ECON 222 Environmental Economics
A study of human production and consumption activities as they affect the natural and human environmental systems and as they are affected by those systems. The economic behavioral patterns associated with the market economy are scrutinized in order to reveal the biases in the decision-making process which may contribute to the deterioration of the resource base and of the quality of life in general. External costs and benefits, technological impacts, limits to economic growth, and issues of income and wealth distribution are examined. A range of potential policy measures, some consistent with our life style and some not, are evaluated. Prerequisite: 111.

ECON 288 Contending Econ Perspectives
A study of major heterodox economic theories such as Marxian, institutional, feminist, post-Keynesian, or Austrian economics. Students will study these contending economic perspectives through their historical evolution, methods and theoretical structures, and/or current policy debates. Prerequisites: 111 and 112.

ECON 373 History of Economic Thought
This course provides an appraisal of the origins and evolution of selected economic theories, primarily through the works of great economists of the past. Past economic works are analyzed in their theoretical and historical context. Prerequisites: any one of the following intermediate-level ECON courses 268, 278, 288, or 298.