Faculty Profile

Liz Lewis

(she/her/hers)Associate Professor of Educational Studies (2008)

Contact Information


57 S College St Room 1


Her research is grounded in sociocultural approaches to examining the literacy development, instruction, and practices of adolescents, particularly as these relate to migrant and English learning youth. Currently, her teaching interests include the implementation of culturally responsive pedagogy, social justice pedagogy, inclusive writing pedagogy, and meeting the diverse needs of students across educational contexts.


  • B.A., Syracuse University, 1993
  • M.S., 1996
  • Ph.D., 2008

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024

EDST 120 Contemp Iss in Amer Education
An examination of current policies, practices, and problems in the landscape of American education with particular attention to the perspectives of various stakeholders (e.g. teachers, students, families, community leaders, employers, and elected officials). U.S. diversity with respect to race, class, gender, language, and exceptionality is considered within a variety of educational contexts. The course also examines the ways in which educational issues and reform efforts intersect with social, economic, political, and cultural forces.

EDST 140 Educational Psychology
An examination of physical, cognitive, and psychological developmental theories and research as well as theories of learning. The course includes theoretical perspectives on: age-stage characteristics, exceptionality, achievement versus aptitude, as well as how developmental, sociocultural, and motivational factors influence student learning in classroom contexts.

EDST 260 Intro to Educational Rsrch
An introduction to the purposes and methodologies of research in education including how various stakeholders in the educational community use and access research findings as well as how studies in education are designed, implemented, and disseminated. Quantitative, qualitative, and historical methodologies are addressed. Research processes are introduced around the topic of literacy. Students will develop a review of the research literature on a topic related to literacy using online catalogs, databases, and other open access resources to find and gather sources and digital publications formats to disseminate their reviews. Prerequisite: 140.

EDST 300 Models of Instruct & Assessmt
An introduction to instructional planning and assessment with a particular emphasis on meeting the needs of diverse learners. Primary activities of the course include designing and implementing lesson plans, designing assessment instruments, and designing an integrated unit of instruction. Students will learn to effectively use presentation technologies as well as instructional software and new media to enhance their instruction. Prerequisites: 140, and 260 or Social Science Research Methods (AFST 200, AMST 202, ANTH 240, ANTH 241, EASN 310, ECON 228, LAWP 228, PMGT 228, POSC 239, PSYC 211, SOCI 240, SOCI 244, or WGSS 200), or permission of instructor.