Faculty Profile

Jorden Hayes

(she/her/hers)Associate Professor of Geosciences (2016)

Contact Information


Kaufman Hall Room 139


Dr. Hayes is a geophysicist and critical zone scientist interested in the transformation of rock at depth into a habitable substrate for life at the surface. She works in the field and lab combining indirect geophysical measurements that image the subsurface with direct measurements of samples from outcrops and boreholes. Jorden is enthusiastic about mentoring students in science and research. Her current projects include the Bedrock Critical Zone Network, GNOMES (Geophysics of the Near-surface: an Outdoor Motivational Experience for Students), and multiple local projects including the Mt. Tabor Cemetery and the Fort Halifax Rediscovery Project.


  • B.S., Olivet Nazarene University, 2007
  • Ph.D., University of Wyoming, 2016

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024

GEOS 310 Physics of the Earth
How and why do earthquakes happen? Why does Earth's magnetic field flip? How do we know there are magma reservoirs under mid ocean ridges? How have Earth's tectonic plates moved in the past? Do mantle plumes really exist? Some of the answers to these questions can be found in the diverse field of geophysics. This course will address these and many other questions about our dynamic Earth. This course aims to teach fundamental physics underpinning the behavior of planet Earth. The application of physics to study plate tectonics is especially emphasized and includes observations from seismology, gravity, magnetism, isostasy, and heat flow. The course will also include units on Earth's deep interior covering mantle convection, mantle plumes, and the geodynamo. Topics will be investigated from a mathematical perspective as well as more descriptive methods. Students will gain and/or enhance skills in manipulating and solving equations, interpreting geophysical data, presenting data, and scientific reasoning. Labs will emphasize coding for data analysis and visualization. No previous coding experience required. The course will culminate in a semester project integrating and applying new geophysical knowledge to a case study plate boundary. Three hours classroom and three hours of laboratory a week.