Faculty Profile

Nancy Farber

Visiting Associate Professor in Psychology (2022)

Contact Information




Professor Farber is a Clinical Psychologist who also holds a degree in Music. She is the founder and Program Director for the non-profit organization, Centre for Music and Mental Health. Her current applied research program involves exploring the impact of choir participation on cognitive functioning, loneliness, and quality of life in nursing home residents with dementia.


  • B.S., Cornell University, 1987
  • B.A. Lebanon Valley College, 2017
  • M.S.Ed. University of Pennsylvania, 1991
  • Ph.D. Ball State University, 1999

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024

PSYC 165 Psychopathology
An introduction to various psychological disorders and techniques of diagnosis and treatment. Relevant for students who anticipate careers in medicine, law, and the social or psychological services. This course is a Health Studies elective.

PSYC 480 Sem in Music & Mental Health
Music and Mental Health is a field that is evolving and growing in both research and practice. In this course, we will travel together through literature, our own experiences, and our own research questions about the impact of music on mental health. We will be learning together through multiple methods: reviewing professional literature on give topics, class discussion, experiential exercises, and developing informed research questions and proposals. As this class is a seminar, we will be learning from each other, and topics and exercises will evolve and develop as we go, much in the way that a song evolves through its development. No prior experience with singing or playing an instrument is necessary, only an openness to critical thinking and to pushing your comfort zones experientially…