Students begin the study of Earth Sciences with the introductory 100 level courses: ERSC 151 (Foundations of Earth Sciences) and ERSC 141 (Earth's Hazards) or ERSC 142 (Earth's Changing Climate). These are laboratory courses that include several local field trips. These courses satisfy the College's Division III laboratory science distribution requirement. Some 90-95% of the students in these courses go on to major in disciplines outside the sciences.
The entire department faculty participates in teaching the 100 level gateway courses. Upperclass majors serve as Teaching Assistants in the laboratories, helping the faculty member in charge.
Students who have already taken a Division III lab science course may be interested in further exploring ERSC courses by taking a topical course focused on Surface Processes (ERSC 201), Energy Resources (ERSC 202), or Oceanography (ERSC 221).
For transfer students, transfer credit is worked out on an individual basis in consultation with the Department Chair and the Registrar. For traditional Earth Sciences courses at most other colleges and universities, this involves only routine paperwork. Official course descriptions, syllabi, and names of texts are helpful in evaluating courses proposed for transfer credit.
To declare your Earth Sciences major complete the departmental major declaration form.