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Standard Application for Teaching Positions in Pennsylvania Public Schools

Act 107 of 1996 (24 P.S. §12-1204.1) requires that a standard employment application be used by public school districts in Pennsylvania.

This page contains the Standard Application for teaching positions in Pennsylvania public schools in three formats:

- Teacher Application - Word format (Microsoft Word Reader available)

- Teacher Application - Rich Text format

- Teacher Application - PDF format  (Adobe Reader available)


Please download your preferred format, complete, and submit to the district to which you are applying. 


24 P.S. §12-1204.1 Standard employment application.

(a) The Secretary of Education, in consultation with organizations representing school administrators, including personnel administrators, teachers and school boards, shall develop a standard employment application form for use by individuals eligible for or in possession of instructional, vocational instructional, intern or vocational intern teaching certificates in making application for employment with school districts within this Commonwealth.

(b) School districts shall use these standard employment application forms for applicants for teaching positions; however, in no case shall the provisions of this section preclude a school district from establishing and implementing other application requirements.

(c) The form shall be made available to approved colleges and universities of teacher education. The form may be duplicated by these institutions and distributed to graduates of the institution seeking employment in school districts of this Commonwealth.

For additional information, please contact:

School Services Unit |
Pennsylvania Department of Education - Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
333 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Phone: 717.787.4860 | Fax: 717.214.4389
RA-PDE-SchoolService@pa.gov | www.education.state.pa.us